Chapter 17 WIFI configuration

The SDK configuration

Here WIFI refers to the WIFI supplied by the original factory, the model is SSW01B, and the driver module of the WIFI is included in the SDK, located in project/release/nvr/i2m/common/glibc/8.2.1/wifi/modules/ssw101b_wifi_HT40_usb.ko.
According to project/image/configs/i2m/, interface_wlan=enable needs to be configured

# vi project/image/configs/i2m/

interface_wlan is configured in project/release/customer_tailor/

# vi project/release/customer_tailor/

Linux -4.9.84 (kernel) turns on Ethernet Bridging

ARCH=arm make menuconfig

The path【Networking support ->Networking options】

After compilation, generate bridge.ko, llc.ko, and stp.ko in the linux-4.9.84 (kernel) /modules directory:

When using your own file system, you can enter buildroot-2020.05 to executemake menuconfig and check the corresponding tool

Finally, please refer to the file system customization section

文档更新时间: 2021-10-08 10:46   作者:Aeeditor